In January, 1999 in Vavozhskaya hospital the exotic delegacy has appeared. The chambers and cabinets were inspected by the unfamiliar men and women talking to the chief medical officer of hospital А.B. Selivanov through a translator. The concern of the distant visitors was called by that they, проникшись by problems of hospital, going to render посильную the charitable help. And not only hospital. Them does not abandon indifferent участь of the old men, invalids, fatherlesses, ill. Charitable organization, which one is introduced by these two lovely women - Anche Dille and Anna Louise Pfaiffer, exists since 1991 at clinic of the professor V. Dille, husband of Аnche, in city Cologne. Anche Dille is head of organization and Anna Louise is her assistant. Udmurtiya with its by problems is a not alone point on our ground, where the help of organization "Medickеа" was routed.
In that the german delegacy has appeared on the Vavozhskaya ground, not last role the deputy of State Council from our region V. Solovjev. They accompanied with the women on this trip, where, apart from the chiefs "Medickеа", have wished to depart and young doctors from clinic V. Dille - Holger Shultz and Peter Horm. All delegacy consist of the germans, though through a translator all of them talked in English. The occurring on Vavozhskaya ground began from the touching scene. The visitors only have mounted in an office building, as after them has arrived here Т. I. Pressler. For him the huge concern was introduced by other, with whom he here of starts lecture on the native language. Such brisk and noisy lecture in German began, that it seemed, have met old good familiar. During lecture during this evening Teoboldt Ivanovich more than once it was necessary to act in a role of a translator. All have heard, that the native language he has not forgotten.
The german visitors interested everything, that is connected to life of the retirees, invalids, ill. Them first of all stirs, that their help should do not leave in anywhere, and was routed to the concrete address, on concrete requiring. Therefore by him so that information was relevant, which one they have received from the chief medical officer Central District Hospital A.B. Selivanov, head of a department of a social protection of the population of L. P Zaizeva and director of center of social service D. Kolsin. How much retirees, how much from them lone, what pension they receive, how much invalids what help require, what drugss lack? Everything was interesting, after all outstanding the women did for themselves flags and slip, set problems.
First of all visitors have wished to examine in place, district hospital. Therefore further talk about the sick-list of requiring was prolonged directly in its walls. And though the hospital has made on them not such depressing impression, as Grachovskaya, optimistic moods, too did not inspire with. Certainly, is very insulting, that the foreign visitors should demonstrate not remarkables of region - you see they for us too is! - and most poor, most poor and pitiable. Also that in such situation can be more obvious, than our hospitals with their beggarly existence. In such rule of any help will be pleased, from whom she would not proceed. The occurring was finished in cafe "Occurring", where the foreign visitors on the rights hospitable were invited by the director of the "Agrosnab, ltd." M.M. Ushckov. The visitors thanked all for a hospitable method, for a warm occurring and high estimation what they are now held by. On farewell all together was sung "Katjusha" - who in Russian, who on german.
Parted with confidence and hope, that this maiden occurring will serve as a start of the subsequent occurrings. Probably, Vavozhskiy district becomes another one point on this planet, where these women will recall with thanks. Let's believe in it.
N. Golubjeva