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Guests in Vavozh

In Vavozh there were visitors from Germany. Can be, behind exotic have arrived in Vavozh five germans. The receiving party of monogynopaedium of the Posdeeva , the Emyrovs and their friends. Their visitors: Hartmut- 48 years, lawyer, head of separation of an insurer "Alliance", Peter - 38 of years, is engaged in mining of computer programs of the corporation, Gerd - 38 years, medical brother Jochen - 36 years, policeman, Jurgen - 34 years working on one of private concerns. Certainly, they could depart to large cities of Russia or on known tourist routes, but have selected ours side. They introduced, that here, along swept up on a roof of bad wood houses the bears go... But that was seen by they, has struck them not less.

There is an international motion, essence which one in contributing to analysis of foreign languages, rendezvous of the people as old as Adam. The young people come to monogynopaediums and live any time, rendering any help in education of children. And Svetlana Posdeeva after termination robotic faculty IzhSU was helped with the teacher of philosophy G.М. Тichanov to leave in Germany, for monogynopaedium Jochen. In passing I shall say, that the Svetlana after the termination IzhSU has received two specialities - engineer and translator of a technical publications. Year she has lived, mastering the language. You see the language speech - absolutely diverse business. Furthermore still dialects... But has grown roots, even has helped to the friend Pasch to arrive in Germany and to be arranged on activity.

Considers, that her very much was lucky, as has got in uncommon monogynopaedium. Jochen - policeman, wife of his Simon - homemaker, two children - 6 and 11 years. Jochen - person with a broad outlook, he has gift to attract to himself the people. The friends he has a lot of, and step-by-step Svetlana was pulled together to them. They interested in life in Russian villages. And the idea was born to go to Udmurtiya. The visitors have arrived at first to Perm. On paths in Vavozh there was a severe breaking of one of motor vehicles. On АЗС have suggested the one address. Come into in individual barn the machine, all equipment - lifter and keys. The father with the son for two hours have managed to disassemble and to collect a motor, and you see the breaking was very severe. When to the germans have explained, that happened, them it has struck more, than crystal beauty Kungur's caves. One of the visitors all caught and photographed, that then was than to confirm the story. Probably, the hosts have suffered prolonged anxiety, when covered desktop for the aliens. But the visitors all have managed to appreciate. Pelmeni and borsh - all this was for the first time in their life, they have remained in full delight! Though the dishes, similar pel'meni, and in their galley are (for example, italian tartaljinji). But our pelmeni are better.

For other day in monogynopaedium of the Emyrovs treated with other, too exotic for the germans by a dish called manty. Have appreciated.

Everywhere received from the bottom of the heart, everywhere he was rads. And a district local lore museum for them have opened. Very much it would be desirable to acquaint with J. M. Naimushin to see his wonderful baskets from losa and tueski from crust of a birch. An occurring with Т. I. Prassler from item. Njurdor-Kotja - mutual pleasure. The fine interlocutor, living encyclopedia, but he communicated with relatives on the native language.

And as were cheerfully rolled on the Pete's hill behind district hospital! There was also chock in a forest, cereal buckwheat with smoke... It was pleasant - words no! They then with themselves in Germany also have taken away 2 kilograms of this sleet.

When returned home, have paid attention to a building of hospital. Gerd it is very interesting, as his colleagues work. He has examined hospital. In Germany completely other system of public health services. A specialized medical care receive in large cities. And we have doctors of miscellaneous specialities, the Operations do... " To us of your people, yes in our conditions to give them our equipment ", - approximately such resume he has born.

And in Izhevsk stay have examined expositions in museum of Kalashnikov , have visited in a museum of a motor-plant, have seen the very first motorcycle... The teacher of the german language of the Vavozhskaya school N. I. Zorina has appeared by a fine translator. She very much has helped both this time, and later, for what everyone were very grateful to her.

Still in Perm have paid stay attention to a smoke above city. And in a palate of capital - " the fox languages "... In Germany such is inadmissible, everywhere there are filters and so on.

One more memorable page - occurring of Aged New year in collective veterinary station. Widely, хлебосольно received I. I. Berdnikov, main veterinarian of region, freely communicated with the visitors on their native language. Paley, had fun. Were much photographed. But what hunting was! On the elk, certainly, were late, the season has ended, and on the fox have collected. High district hunter L. N. Novukov has gone even itself. It is a lot of snow in a forest, were crawled, have got tired... On a snowmobile have driven, have seen the fox. Have imposed with its check boxs... The visitors, certainly, only watched of all happening. In the total - have taken the fox. Certainly, have decided, let in Germany the trophies will take away.

Perhaps, banya is one of the most important impressions. It heated literally in day. Guests loved it very much. And before has reached, that they have decided at home to construct same.

Ten days have flown by fast, but having time to learn one another. Spoke about much. And about terrible recent war. With a pain, with grief. For one of them the father wared on Stalingradskiy front, was wounded. Till now it hurt wounds, suffers affliction of douche. The war is not necessary to the simple people. It is necessary to learn one another, to be friends...

Closer than steel a settlement Plitzhouse, that is near of city Shtutgard, in Germany and our village Vavozh. Now for both parties it is not simple points on a card, now friends there live...

N. Shirockikh
The district newspaper "Advance-guard" of February 20, 2002.

In German

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