The employees of the Berlin telestudio " Мефисто - video " have visited Udmurtiya with the purpose to remove a material about М.Т. Kalashnikov. But also they have decided to visit Udmurt village. So, they have arrived in Zyambay, small village in our region.
It was interesting to the visitors, as the rural inhabitants landed a potato with the equine. They at once have begun train in practice.
They have lain in the friend automobile and during their trip from "Izhmash" I closely studied them. Jorg is operator and Rainer Burckhard is editor of the program supervises of the company, Rainer speaks already in Russian, he was born in Moscow and now he conducts a great many of time in capital and acquaints with a political life and national economy. Jorg and Peter studied Russian at school and in institute.
Rainer has said, that when he of lodes in GDR, the schoolboys learned Russian as the second foreign language. Schools with English and French language were less. Russian was very popular, but in one time he rather long was not studied, but now receives the increasing distribution.
The economist of facilities N. Popova interested how Germans are engaged from scotomas, auk and what their facilities. The german answered, that milk, butter, ovums, potato, cheese and other articles are made in personal facilities. It was interesting, whether the soap in деревне is made. The visitors communicated with the agronomist of facilities V. E. Kalinin, from which one took interview. It was pleasant to them to visit monogynopaediums of the collective farmers. Golubeva Julia Petrovnа works with the cows, her husband Vladimir Ivanovich - joiner, basically he builds houses. Hostress is good mastress - she sews and embroiders. The visitors were met by houses with the desktop, covered with national meal. There there were pies with kalega, tabani with zyret, shangi and other dishes. Okroshkа was shown to the visitors as "a cool soup". The visitors spoke, that this soup is for them a large scarcity. N. N. Elysheva (economist of collective farm of name of Мichurin) treated them not only perepechi with ovums, funguses, but also foster visitors by kumyshcka (self-made alcoholic drink). The visitors even behind meal were interested in conditions in facilities.
Nina Nickolaevna Elysheva was the interesting interlocutor. Rainer was complete by impressions about Zyambay. He was rad to acquaint with the hospitable, hardworking people, but however he troubled about a composite situation in an agriculture.
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