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I, Mezrin Alexander Ivanovich have studied by the teacher of physical culture in Vavozhskaya middle school almost 30 years. In spite of the fact that the school has only one sports hall (9 * 18 meters) and small class room for occupations of an elementary school, the school has achieved quite good outcomes. Our school regularly became with the winner district spartakiada. Also quite good outcomes were rotined on republican competitions on track and field. In 1979 we have taken 4th Champion of Republic in 1988place on a prize of the log-book "Track and field" in Izhevsk city. In 1982 we have taken 1st place in zonary republican competitions on track and field in item. Uva also were second among agricultural pupils in Izhevsk in a season 1981-1982, when in republic competitions the school - winner acted only. We were also second in zonary competitions on RTD and basketball, third on cross-countr on a prize of the newspaper The Pioneer Truth. In result of these protrusions of one our school, the region in republic spartakiada displaces from a second to last place on sixth.

In 1983 we have taken 1st place in zonary republican chess competitions a prize "White ladia" and participat in republican competitions, where we have come in a six-oar strongest. In 1986 we have scored zonary republican competitions on football on a prize of club "Leather ball" and we were 3rd in republic.

In 1987 we were 1st among agricultural teams and second in general offset.

In 1988 is benefited 1st place in Kambarka in a mean age-grade also we go on the Russian competitions in city Rubzovsk of Altay Territory. There we were an alone agricultural command. There we hold honorary 8 places from 16 commands.Superbisons and their coach

In 1990 the success in a high age-grade is repeated and we become the champions of republic on football on a prize of club "Leather ball". In 1994 on the 1st agricultural games have taken 2nd place on track and field. Also were the repeated prize-winners of superiority of republic among the young men, which one played together with an adult command in the second group. Quite good successes achieved in basketball, more than once became second in zonary competitions. So last 3 years benefiting for a command of a settlement Uva maiden play lost by it 2-3 dushes. The absence of a large sports hall has an effect. And the command Alas became in 2000 the champion II of agricultural games among the young men.

One year ago at our school we have opened an exercise room one of best in republic. It have helped to equip the sponsors: the businessmen Obukhov Ivan Mikhailovich, Ushkov Michael Mikhailovich, Temnikov Nickolai Vladimirovich. Pupils with pleasure are engaged in this hall and there are already successes many have executed categories in powerlifting.

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