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Schoolboys of Vavozhskaya school sixth year learn in section of free strife under a management Kostylev Peter Vsevolodovich are engaged. For this time the sportsmen - fighters precipitantly have taken off on republican pedestals. Even of the quoters of famous sporting school "Metal Worker" they have more than once benefited in different competings.
The protagonists of the Vavozhskaya team - Matveev Andrew, Solovjev Dmitriy, brothers Aleksey and Aleksander Karetins, Allakulov Timur, Suvorov Igor and Kuklin Maxim. All of them more than once became with the champions of republic. Most of all of victories for Karetin Aleksey: five times he became with strongest in the weight. Already after year of occupations the guys conquer prize-winning places on competings of a republican level.
In section are engaged boys miscellaneous ages: from 2nd class and up to 11th. As a rule, each year with a start of academic year comes very many guys, but there are only most resistant, because the free strife is a kind of sports, which one demands large exercise stresses and huge aiming to victory.
With each year the management of region nests ever more than means in this perspective sporting team, therefore four best sportsmen managed in this year to share in Superiority of a zone of Ural and Povolzhje, which one drove in Buguruslan city.
In connection with impressive outcomes of Vavozhskaya team of fighters our village was awarded with honour to accept for itself the best fighters of republic on competings.
Visually achievements of our fighters introduce the following tables:
29th - 30th of September 2000. | Superiority of Izhevsk city on free strife | Suvorov I., Karetin А., Allakulov А., Shiljaev S., Kostylev S., Kuklin М., Solovjev D., Matveev А. |
19th - 21th of October 2000. | Superiority of Udmurt Republic on free strife | Mustafaev N., Menshikov А., Berezin А. |
November 6th of November 2000. |
Superiority of Udmurt Republic on free strife between schoolboys. All-Russia tournir on free strife |
Karetin А., Allakulov Т., Solovjev D., Matveev А., Kuklin М., Allakulov T., Karetin А., Suvorov I. |
20th - 22th of December 2000. | Open superiority of SC "The Metal Worker" on prizes of SUP "Izhevskiy mechanical plant" | Mustafaev N., Kostylev S., Kuklin М., Odinzov А. |
29th of December 2000. | Open superiority of CJSS - 2 on free strife between young men 1988 - 1991 born. | Matveev А., Karetin А., Solovjev D., Karetin А. |
January of 2001. | Championat of Ural and Povolzhje | Matveev А., Karetin А., Solovjev D., Karetin А. |
13th of March 2001. | Superiority of Russia between young men 1984 - 1985 b. in Buguruslan city | Mustafaev N., Idrisov А., Baluev I. |
23th - 25th of March 2001 | Superiority of Udmurtia on free strife | Zayzev R., Allakulov Т., Odinzov А., Kuklin М., Solovjev D., Karetin A, Baluev I. |
28th - 31st of March 2001 | Superiority of zone of Ural's Center and Povolzhye between 1986 - 1987 b. | Berezin А., Karetin S., Matveev А., Karetin А., Solovjev D. |
27th - 28th of April 2001. | Republic competings on free strife in Vavozh village. | Comand's place - 1st (6 pupils - 1st place, 2 pupils - 2nd place, 3 pupils - 3rd place) |
April of 2001. | Open superiority on prize of SC "Aksion" on free strife | Solovjev D., Karetin А., Baluev I., Karetin А. |
6th - 8th of June 2001. | Open superiority of Sharkan's district on free strife | Allakulov Т., Allakulov V., Suvorov I., Idrisov А. |
26th - 27th of October 2001. | Superiority of Udmurt Republic on free strife | Idrisov А., Allakulov Т., Allakulov V., Shiljaev S., Zaizev R. |
23th - 25th of November 2001. | Superiority of Udmurt Republic on free strife | Karetin А., Allakulov Т., Menshikov К., Mustafaev N., Shilyaev S. |
26th - 27th of October 2001. | Superiority of Udmurt Republic on free strife | Idrisov Albert (5 grade) - 1st place Allakulov Vlad (3 grade) - 2bd place Allakulov Timur (5 grade) - 2nd place Shilyaev Sergey (5 grade) - 2nd place Idrisov Albert (5 grade) - 1st place Zaizev Ruslan (5 grade) - 3rd place ( from 9 pupils - 6 prize places) |
23rd - 25th of November 2001. | Superiority of Udmurt Republic on free strife | Allakulov Timur - 2nd place Menshikov Kostya - 2nd place Karetin Aleksey - 1st place Mustafaev Nabi - 3rd place Shilyaev Sergey - 3rd place (from 6 pupils - 5 prize places) |
22nd - 24th of December 2001. | All-Russia tournir (Izhevsk city) | Karetin Aleksey - 1st place Mustafaev Nabi - 3rd place |
25th of December 2001. | Republic competings on prize of Father Frost | Allakulov Vlad (3 grade) - 1st place Allakulov Timur (5 grade) - 1st place Suvorov Igor (5 grade) - 1st place Shilyaev Sergey (5 grade) - 1st place Aleksandrov Sasha (5 grade) - 3rd place |
18th - 20th of January 2002. | Republic tournir on free strife | Karetin Aleksey - 1st place Shilyaev Sergey - 3rd place Idrisov Albert - 3rd place (10 pupils) |
3rd - 4th of May 2002 . | Republic competings on free strife to memory of poet K. Gerd (Vavozh village) | Vavozh's team - 1st place Berezin А. - 1st place Allakulov Т. - 1st place Allakulov V. - 2nd place Kulikov N. - 2nd place Idrisov А. - 2nd place Aleksandrov S. - 1st place |
16th of May 2002. | All-Russia competings on free strife (Tolyatti city) | Karetin Aleksey - 4th place |