Anna Nickolaevna (1873-1947). Together with sister Mary she is one of the most light persons in history of Vavozh. After agricultural school she has ended Vyatskaya diocesan school, founded specially for daughter of saint fathers, has received a rank the teacher and up to the end of life learned children of in the Vavozh village. She hasn't her children as well as her sister of Mary. In marriage they did not leave, wholly having devoted themselves to pedagogics. Peculiar "folk" dogmas which have escaped until then, stated, that the family teachers can not be considered quite theoretical.
Anna was very glad to a grand piano from Аrkadiy. It was not even in a diocesan school when she had studied. And now capability has appeared to study all crews of a house. The chorus at once became popular and prestigious. Agricultural boys and girls appealed for taking them there, "to put a voice".
Mary differed by morbidness, therefore some times leaved in the summer on Bashkir treatment by milk weak-alchohol drink, on Caucasus and for Crimea. Has died from "spanish ill". She was buried with honour - vice-versa of native house, in a church fence, nearby to a tomb of the father.
On parentage tree of the Menshikovs new twigs transmit in growth only from branchess of Alevtina, Nickolai, Arkadiy, Paul and Александра. Where their heirs now to straighten out(find out) extremely difficultly. Per the Soviet years the people hid parentage. They were afraid of identification marks such as "saint father's son" or "sain father's daughter" pronounced by galling tone. Only one it entailed discrimination and occasionally even reprisals.
The Menshikovs were not so rich, but each winter for them on a galley the lode a couple of any schoolgirls from distant villages.
The asylum found and boys, for example, Kuzma Chainickov who will be in future the famous poet. He was a little bit savage, is shy, but sister had educated him. Have accustomed to church canticle and theatre.
It is difficult now to judge concretely: in what there was an essence of pedagogics of the Menshikovs. Probably, in the basis(fundamentals) е ё simplly ardent love to children and personal example of the busy, labor, cultural life.
The marshal F.J. Falaleev remembered sisters the Menshikovs by the kindest word in the book: "Cultural, knowing life not only from the books, but also could to watch it, visited in Moscow, Crimea. They have woken in us concern to knowledge, educated feeling fine... In general, they have gobed up in us initial concepts about the citizen and person, have woken inquisitiveness." Second after a temple by remarkable aged of Vavozh, its pride and "visiting card" was garden of the Menshikovs. It was considered individual but as a matter of fact it was public. Any person from Vavozh, specially schoolboy, could go for a fence, resemble on avenues delighted by its beauty.
Somewhere there were gardens and more rich, and is more vast. The oof of this garden consist not of luxury of constructions and sum of loiter means, and in generous imagination and goods humour of its organizers, variety of garden landings, carefulness and love in maintenance(drift) behind them.
The garden was descended by three terraces up to the base surface of a hill. All these benches should be dug, to defend from taluss, to do fix from staffs and poles. At one time business was started by(with) the high brothers, well and then friable sisters helped choldren from school. Alone speaking, first of all for them (with especially educational purposes) were intended touchingly naive of a placard by oil paint on top of the semicircular or triangular аро-cotters, there and here raised above avenues:
On three terraces in the stringent order grew abundance of sorts: roses and cherries, apple and little oaks, elms and raspberry, currant...
"Exotic" on those times - tomatoes was grown also. Recall, that in Day of Rescue in 1915 Anna Menshikva gifted with them all on the church area, adjudging: "Eat them, please. Is it tasty? " In the middle of landings there and here flashed square tablets on columns. Someone (is possible, schoolboys) had burned on them with the help of an ignition glass contours of the grackle, swallow, lizard, quirell, pecker. All this surprising ensemble created special, solemn and poetical customize.
He is appreciable and in the verses, intended to the kids, of Arkadiy Nickolaevich from his book: little tree landing, I shall have a meal to trees we hi. Let shadow broad throwing, they grow on many years.
The garden of the Menshikovs was not so much economic garden - kitchen garden, how much by garden - school. Hardly where in other villages in terrain of Udmurtiya it was possible to find another one so effective center of ecological and aesthetic education.
The garden learned not only to like the nature, but also to like a transactions in general, to care of other. The placards on other arches are characteristic: " Not all only for itself ", " Sow reasonable, kind, eternal ". On maiden of three terraces of a garden (upper) there was an architectural miracle - three-level round construction. Above green summerhouse "Monplesir" and under it white circle with bath.