Kusebay Gerd (Kusma Pavlovich Chainikov) was born on 2 January (14, 1898 in Pockchivucho village (Bolshaya Dokja), now Vavozhskiy district in monogynopaedium of Udmurt Chainikov Pavel Vasiljevich. К. Gerd was the fifth son. Per seven years he has deprived the father. And the mother has decided to return him in zemskaya elementary school. The teacher, seeing his capacities, on termination this school has sent him in Vavozhskaya school. From childhood differed by inquisitiveness, was pulled to the books. In 1912 he has entered Kuchorskaya teacher's seminary. In this seminary he was respected. In all subjects, except for mathematics he had quintuples. May 3, 1916 he has finished this seminary.
In the autumn of 1916 Kusebay Gerd was assigned by the manager of Bolshaya Ucha's two-class school. He has organized at school a drama circle. In January, 1918 Gerd was assigned by the member of the board of district teacher's union and manager of Votskiy department at MONE. Working in Malmyzh, he develops rough activity on просвящению of indigenous population of district. In this period he becomes the correspondent of the newspaper of bolsheviks on the Udmurt "Gudyri" language ("Thunder"). Since April till July, 1919 leaves for Moscow on courses наркомпроса, and having returned, undertakes for enlightenment of the native people. In March, 1920 him have invited to activity in Udmurt komissariat on the position of the manager by publishing department. In 1922 went to study in maximum literary and art institute of the name of V.J. Brjusov. After the termination works in a Central museum. By December 19, 1925 was approved by the post-graduate student on a speciality "ethnology". March 18, 1926 generated All-Udmurtia association of the revolutionary writers - AUARW. In the summer of 1926 returns in Moscow and USSR is entered by the nominal post-graduate student in Institutes of ethnic and national cultures of the peoples of East.
К. Gerd was sentenced to cross timber, but under the application of m later. The bitter cross timber was exchanged with 10 years of the link, and still November 1, 1937 Kusebay Gerd (Kusma Pavlovich Chainikov) was killed.
М.G. Hudjakov has said: " Among the Udmurt poets the outstanding place takes K. Gerd, really original and large talent, the creativity him is quite original USSR introduces to poetry of the peoples a peculiar Udmurt spray. His products differ by sincerity, force of feeling and concentrated steep of lirism."