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Torkhova Anna Dmitrievna (b. 1926) had graduated our school. Work of the teacher of initial classes of a beginning in 1944, within 10 years worked senior pioneer leader at our school., and then again taught children to read and to write. She is awarded with an anniversary medal to 100th anniversary of the birthday of V.I. Lenin

Pervushina Vera Timofeevna (b. 1921). She worked the teacher of German language since 1945r in Vavozhskaya school - from 1952 till 1977.

Zubareva Ekaterina Zakharovna (b. 1936) has ended Vavozhskaya school in 1954 and after the termination Udmurtian State Pedagogical Institute since 1960 till 1994 worked the teacher of mathematics at our school. In 1956 and 1957 she worked in structure of group of the students of Udmurtiya on grounds of celinum.

Bogdanov Fedor Dmitrievich (1932-1996), having ended our school, since 1950 till 1954 studied in USPI and after the termination worked in the district of Vavozh. Since 1967 he was teacher of mathematics of the Vavozhskaya school, then he was manager of educational part and since 1979 till 1986 he was the principal. He was veteran of work, also he was awarded by a medal For the excellent work in Great Domestic war, by a badge Perfecter of national education.

Kudrin Ivan Timofeevich (1924-1994) was the graduate of our school, he worked the teacher of plotting and drawing with 1962 for 19 years. He was participant of Great Domestic war, also he was awarded by medals For the courage, For a defense of Leningrad, For a victory above Germany, 250 years of Leningrad and by Honourable letters.

Kokorina Galina Aleksandrovna (b. 1925) is graduate of our school, she worked the teacher of initial classes since 1956 till 1980.

Chebakova Ljudmila Ivanovna (b. 1934). She worked the teacher of initial classes, and then librarian of school since 1954 till 1979.

Tugashova Aleksandra Ivanovna (b. 1944) worked the teacher of Russian and literature since 1979 till 1999, also she worked the manager of educational part since 1986 till 1990.

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