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Elena Vladimirovna Smolina

Elena Smolina was born on July 4, 1973. Up to 7 classes she had all A's marks both basically, and at musical school. From 5 classes to her handed the letters for achievements in sports.

Has finished school in 1990 and has entered the Izhevsk medical academy. From the third course began to be engaged in powerlifting - power three-strife, began to share in republican and Russian competings.

In the autumn of 1995 has executed the standard the Foreman of sports of Russia. Then became champion of Russia on power three-shrife among juniors.

In 1997 has executed the standard of the Foreman of sports of Russia of the international class, and in 2002 has taken the second place in a championship of Russia in shruging in the Nizhniy Novgorod.

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