Galina Gennadjevna Knyaseva is known well in Izhevsk city. She and now teacher of Russian and literature of school ¹ 57. Two years Galina Gennadjevna worked in Vavozhskaya middle school and has kept a light, kind track in douches of the schoolboys and colleagues. Galina Gennadjevna also graduate of our school, here, in Âàâîæå, live her native, here her the radicals. She often gave opened lessons for the teachers of region, teachers were on her classes more often than on classes of other teachers. The schoolgirl of Galina Gennadjevna participat in urban literary competition of the abstracts and have taken - agricultural! - prize-winning places. Galina Gennadjevna conducted occupations to a sunday school.
Here's the composition of Maria Kostyleva about Galina Gennadjevna.
At the first lesson of the literature, which one conducted Galina Gennadjevna, ours 10à sat, aperture of companies. Her words were for us something new, absolutely unfamiliar. We reasoned on weightiness of a word, compared Russian and foreign literature. On the maiden view, completely customary subjects, but we were struck, as far as masterly person can possess the speech.
But talent completely is not alone advantage Galina Gennadjevna. She not only fine teacher, but also surprising kind person, fine mother and lovely woman. For that year, which one we together were engaged, Galina Gennadjevna never has increased on us a voice. She is always off-the shelf to help with the wise advice to each. Her lessons have transformed for us to pleasure, though in the literature we were engaged 6 hours per one week.
Galina Gennadjevna is a person, in which one no drip of a wrath or callousness. Her douche always is opened towards to the people. It seems, this phenomenon of humanity is connected that Galina Gennadjevna - deeply believing person, both christian optimism and humbleness help her to manage any pupils and difficulties! Galina Gennadjevna, all of us very much like you and we wait.