At our school by the deputy director of the education's and studu's part activity works the remarkable teacher Chernykh N.V. She the goal-seeking strong-willed person who is knowing how professionally and operatively will estimate any situation and to orient in her. Natalia Vasiljevna - teacher of chemistry, with the pupils are always constrained, is extreme educated and is fair. At the same time she is very exacting, achieves good knowledge of a subject by the schoolboys. At lessons applies miscellaneous interesting forms of work, that each schoolboy worked. Therefore her graduates successfully hand chemistry on entrance examinations. The experience of Natalia Vasiljevna as teacher of chemistry was extended in region, she more than once acted on pedagogic councils, methodical seminars with the messages on a technique of activating of activity of the schoolboy at a lesson. Natalia Vasiljevna is known and in republic. She for a number of years - term of receiving commission ISMA. In 1997 Natalia Vasiljevna was awarded with the premium of fund of Soros.
On the post of the manager of the educational part Natalia Vasiljevna has been worked already third year, but for this time she has shown herself by the exacting and close trainer.
Pupils are recalled about her as about the sensitive careful class chief. Her elegance and taste are envyed by many pupil and colleague. And in the visitors to her it is a pleasure to catch, as Natalia Vasiljevna - fine hostress and mother.