The day of knowledge at our school starts with a rule, which one is carried out on a school green site surrounded by birches. The management of school congratulates the teachers, parents, schoolboys on New academic year, graduates with last year at school, and pupils of 1st grades - with maiden! The kids are met by all school, they pass before all guys, and go their future teachers at the front. The maiden bell rings, pupils of 1st grades solemnly yield swearing the schoolboy of school. By a word, as well as at all schools, this day is charged with colours, smiles, good mood, and hope for cheerful and interesting days in New educational year.
The New Year's holidays at our school are divided on some groups: for 5-6, 7-8 and 9-11 classes, but for high classes are carried out not New year, and dancing party - mask parad. A holiday of New year for initial classes prepare of their teacher, for classes is higher (from fifth on eighth) carry out pupils of old grades, and the schoolboys of high classes look protrusions of 9th classes. This holiday is passed very cheerfully. The junior school pupils put on in mask parad's costumes, and those who wants to look nitidously in direct sense of this word, cover itself sparked in lights New Year's trees with a tinsel. Per New Year children dance, sing and with entrainment look fascinating protrusion about a wonderful holiday.
The special attention merit teacher of an elementary school. Unrecognizably having changed, they, tired after a difficult quarter, lessons and the checks of copybooks, create for the kids the present fairy tale. Thus each year we have a new fairy tale, cheerful and magic.
Pupils of old grades settle a most interesting submission - fairy tale with mandatory participation of classes, which one prepare either advertising commercial films, or mini-performances.
And as a result, due to diligence outstanding, the so interesting representation receives, that everyone perceive, - and you see New year and really best holiday!
The shrove is a holiday, for which one in Russia the whole week was retracted. For the low schoolboys at our school this holiday is carried out by children's organization "Springs". On this holiday to children there come many visitors: a parsley, , and also other characters of Russian national fairy tales. The guys with large pleasure participate in miscellaneous competitions, games, and for drinking with appetite eat for both dogs the pancakes, brought on competition, and cooking. Most important and solemn is an incineration straw maneken of a Shrove, that symbolizes maintenance of winter and incoming of spring, becoming of pleasure and triumph.